Monday, 26 September 2011

A visit to Paya Indah Wetlands. Aug 2010.

Having taken delivery of a brand spanking new Canon 400/5.6 in Aug 2010, I couldn't wait to put lens and Dslr to test and took my first trip to Paya Indah Wetlands.
Not knowing where PIW is, I used Google Earth to find me the coordinates. I then entered the coords into my trusty GPS and found my way there.
PIW isn't exactly a bird rich area but I was happy to shoot everything that came along and the few species I saw included the ubiquitous Common myna, Scaly-breasted munia, White-throated Kingfisher,Blue-throated Bee-eater and an unidentified  Pelican. Also seen were a pair of Brahminy kites, Green-billed malkoha and Brown-shrike.

             Juvenile Blue-throated Bee-eater:

Unidentified Pelican:

The other photos I took were really awful and I'll need to redo them some other time. Using the gear was a lot tougher than I envisaged and I guess it'll take a lot more practice before I can get some decent pictures.
But all up, I am happy with my choice of gear and despite the many poor photos, I am thoroughly enjoying myself.

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